
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 1 & Week 2 (Programming) Mohammed

Introduction to Variables in Programming In our first lesson of programming, in the NextGen course, we've been introduced to different variables in programming. Integers Are whole numbers represented as binary values - stored as variables. Integers can be positive, negative or zero Float Are numbers that isn't a whole number so 1.5, aka Decimals. It can be any decimal value String A data type which are made up of a sequence of characters aka text. Numbers can be used but they'll be classed as string numbers Boolean A data type that has two values True or False or On or Off.  Vector A type of array (list) that's one Dimensional - used for storing data We will be using vectors in Unreal Engine for locations.  Arrays Lists can be 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional  A list of integers - holds lists of information eg; 7                                                                                     4                                                                           

The Dawn of the Door!

 The Dawn of the DOOR! This blogpost will be about posting my journey, working on the "Door" Project from the NextGen Level 3 Games, VFX & Animation Curriculum. Firstly we had to grasp during induction week, we had to take inspirations by searching some themed doors & posting them on a moodboard. I went with a combination of Sci-fi & medieval & Church doors.  In that moodboard, I've also discussed the likes & dislikes about each one.  In order to make our own door design, we had to draw some concept art for the doors; as you can see, I drew various design ideas & changes (apologies for the unclear copies, the printer couldn't pick up the pencil outlines!)     From the snippets of my moodboard, I've decided to combine both elements of medieval/church doors & Sci-Fi doors for my Door Project. My final design I went with is the design on the 2nd image on the bottom left. I felt that had perfectly combined elements of both Sci-Fi & Medi

Week 2 Maths (Mohammed)

  Maths Week 2 Research Task So, for todays & last Thursdays lesson we've had to research different types of numbers such as Natural Numbers, Square Numbers etc., and how they are used in the Animation, Games & VFX industry.  Natural Numbers Are a part of the number system from 1 to infinity.  They don't include zero or negative numbers as well as fractions & decimals. Only positive integers. Examples include 1, 2, 3 ,4.... Natural Numbers can be used in Games Design to display the amount of something is in a game. For example, Natural Numbers are used in health-bars to display the game character's health. This makes it easier for the player to see. Rational and Irrational Numbers Rational Numbers are numbers that can be in the form of a fraction that is just integers .  It can also be any number which is predictable and we know where that number starts and ends.   However, there are types of decimals in Rational Numbers.  5/4 = 1.25 (Terminating Decimals)     

Week 1 Maths (Mohammed)

  Number Systems In the first lesson of Maths in the NextGen course, we looked at Number Systems. We've looked at; Ancient Binary Hexadecimal Conversions We then looked at BOPS which is similar to BIDMAS; B rackets I ndices D ivision M ultiplication A ddition  S ubtraction However, the operation of BOPS is slightly different & a bit odd for me to...get used to.... B rackets  O perations (powers & square roots) P roducts ( Multiplication, Division (in that left-right order) ) S ums (Addition and Subtraction (in that left-right order) ) Hexadecimals