Week 2 Maths (Mohammed)


Maths Week 2 Research Task

So, for todays & last Thursdays lesson we've had to research different types of numbers such as Natural Numbers, Square Numbers etc., and how they are used in the Animation, Games & VFX industry. 

Natural Numbers

  • Are a part of the number system from 1 to infinity. 
  • They don't include zero or negative numbers as well as fractions & decimals. Only positive integers.
  • Examples include 1, 2, 3 ,4....
Natural Numbers can be used in Games Design to display the amount of something is in a game. For example, Natural Numbers are used in health-bars to display the game character's health. This makes it easier for the player to see.

Rational and Irrational Numbers

  • Rational Numbers are numbers that can be in the form of a fraction that is just integers
  • It can also be any number which is predictable and we know where that number starts and ends.  
  • However, there are types of decimals in Rational Numbers. 
5/4 = 1.25 (Terminating Decimals)       2/3 = 0.66666666.... (recurring decimals)

  • To note, a number can be irrational if it can't be written as a fraction that is just integers.
  • Irrational Numbers doesn't terminate or recur for example, 3.14159
Prime Numbers
  • Can be greater than one
  • It can't be a product of 2 smaller numbers
  • 2, 3, 5 ,7, 11, 13, 17, 19
Prime Numbers are used, heavily in Encryption & Random Number Generators. It can also be used in digital art, too.

Square Numbers
  • Product of an integer with itself example;
1 x 1 = 1,  2 X 2 = 4, 3 X 3 = 9, 
  • It used to calculating area & volume
  • Is the Ratio of a circle's circumference, to it's diameter. 3.14159.
  • It's an irrational number. 
Eulers Numbers e
  • Another type of irrational numbers 


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