Understanding Games in Culture - Task 4

 Understanding Games in Culture - Task 4

(The other documents will be sent in their original files as I can't post them in the blog)

The Idea Outline

For this task, I've been asked to design a final addition/update to the game as if I was making it in 2022. My idea is to expand the story, specifically in the events between Chapter 6-8. This section of the game displays how Aperture Science came about and introduces a couple of additional characters in the game. Cave Johnson & Caroline. Cave Johnson was the founder & CEO & Caroline was his assistant. Through their pre-recorded messages, as Chell explores through Old Aperture, a lot of information with it's origin story is revealed however, I wanted to expand on this idea & expand on how Caroline became GLaDOS and what made her lose her mind when she was reactivated as an A.I. Supercomputer. So, I've made a moodboard on how i'd do it;

As stated in the moodboard, I wanted to make a more-immersive section of the game. Not just by adding flashbacks but adding some elements of time travel where the player experiences Aperture back in it's time in the '50s-70s. I was inspired by the game Titanfall 2 where the protagonist explores through a destroyed lab but, goes back in time where it was operational. Another way I wanted to make it more immersive was by making the game VR. 


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