Toy Melee Weapon (Mini Project)

 Toy Melee Weapon (Mini Project)

For this project, I was assigned by my tutor to design a Toy Melee Weapon. This project is aimed to test out knowledge on what we've learnt so far in modelling, UV Unwrapping & texturing. 

So, for starters I set up a moodboard in Powerpoint and posted images of various toy melee weapons such as hammers, nunchucks, swords, sickle etc., Initially, I was going with a custom hammer but, then I realised that it would be a bit more difficult so, I went with a sword as it's much more suitable for what I've in mind. 

Since I decided to go with designing a toy sword, I, then, looked up images of both toy swords & actual swords. Both in real life & in the world of fiction. 

In the world of fictional swords, I grabbed photos of the "Star Saber" from Transformers: Prime. To me, it had a pretty impressive sword design so I might base my sword on that. However, I'll be adding my own detail & characteristics so, it doesn't fully, fully resemble the Star Saber. This is what the Star Saber looks like:

Modelling my Sword

Firstly I created a cylinder mesh to form the handle of the sword, I scaled it up so it was a bit long and I scaled it slightly thicker too.

For decoration and a bit of style, I spawned in a UV Sphere mesh and placed it at the bottom of the handle.

For the handguard, I spawned in a plane mesh. Plane meshes in Blender are usually flat so, I extruded the vertices in order to make a solid mesh. Another way I could've done this is using a solidify modifier.

I then extruded the faces to form the handguard. As I mentioned before, the Star Saber from Transformers Prime was my influence in modelling the sword and, I wanted to add some characteristics from that design into my own. So, I extruded the faces. I used a mirror modifier to save some time. 

On some of the faces on the side, I extruded. I scaled them to give the handguard some depth and interesting scale. For example, the two faces pointing down, I scaled it by the Y Axis so it had some width. 

For the actual, blade itself I spawned in a plane mesh, Extruded it up using E > up to the Z axis, and the top edge I merged the vertices in that top edge to form a point, which replicates the sharp end of the blade.


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