Week 3 (Maths): Pi



Pi is defined as the ratio circumference, it's important for navigation. Pi is really important for rendering shapes, accurately involving circles

Pi is approximated to 3.13159. 


For a task we needed to do, we looked at a circle which had a Circumference (C) of

314,159 miles.

We needed to figure out the; Diameter (D), Radius (R), Area (A), Surface Area (S) & Volume (V). 

The formulas consisted of;

C = Pi x D

D = C/Pi

R = C/2 x Pi 

S = 4 x Pi x R²

V = (4/3) x Pi x R³


To work out the diameter it was 314159 (circumference)/ Pi = 99,999.91553


To work on the Radius of the circle, I did 314159(circumference)/2 x Pi = 49,999.95777


To work out the radius I've done Pi x 49,999.95777(radius)² = 785398367

Surface Area

To work out the Surface Area I've done 4 x Pi x 49,999.95777 (radius)²  = 3.141587347x10^10


To work out volume is was (4/3) x Pi x 49.999.95777³ = 50235974489x10^14


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