My Video Game Idea

My Video Game Idea for the Door Project

For my own video game, I'd like my game to be set in a test-chamber like setting, a bit like Portal but, reducing the, pristine test chamber-like setting they have in the games. In the beta version, it had more of a dark & grimy appearance, setting so, I'll most likely will be going with that: 

Portal in it's beta (see image above)

What will the controls consist of?

I've a few ideas, but mainly W A S & D to move around, W & S for moving forwards and back, A & D to move side to side. Left Click would be for pressing buttons. 

(To be amended

How will the game do it's course, what's the story like?

At this moment in time, I'm not sure what kind of story I'll be making for the game; the game may not have a story at all, just a quick summary of what's going on, a couple of game objectives & some puzzles along the way. The brief plot I've in mind is, you've woken up in a grimy test chamber, in a lab; There's only one door in front of you and you've to complete a series of puzzles in order for the door to open & to grasp your chance of escaping! On the topic of puzzles, my puzzles will be influenced from Portal. However, there'll be a series of puzzles to open the door;

  • Firstly a cube randomly placed on the floor, with a button to power up the door
  • Then, when the door's activated, a number pad will also power up & you'd need to enter a code but, you've to figure out & search the chamber in order for you to figure out
  • And, then lastly, the number pad will open one of it's panels & dispenses a key with a specific lock on it, you've to open it up to break the seal of the doors! Then, there's a possibility that they'll open & you can escape!!

(A cube on button which activates the door on the far left)

Any possible Hazards to look out for?

My game may also consist of some hazards such as spiky walls or pits, pits filled with deadly acid & moving pillars. 


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